My Zen Garden: Peace and Tranquility?

July 23, 2008


Today I decided to dabble in the art of Zen Gardening. I had a small area in my front garden that was looking rough, so using materials I had lying around plus a newly purchased Japanese Acer plant and some bamboo screening and I was off.

My chi was disturbed when I went to pick up my smiling Buddah and his hand fell off causing me to drop it, I watched as it bounced and the other hand fell off. Some super glue and controlled breathing later and he was back to his glorious self. I did wonder if this kind of mass produced item had a place in my Zen Garden, but I like him, he makes me smile, he’ll do for me!

The stones wouldn’t go where I wanted them, I was searching for their happy side and failing miserably, in the end I went for the ” Where They Lay” option. I added an old bird bath that was kind of Japanese and placed a serene figure on the top where a bird used to be before it broke off. The bamboo screen had a life of it’s own and tested me to the limit.

Then it was complete, I washed it all down with the hose, filled the birdbath and sat in a chair contemplating. My wife wants me to trim the bamboo screen (it’s a bit high) and it still looks a bit too busy but you know what? I could sit, looking at my garden, clearing my mind of the collected debris and generally feeling good for hours.

My final thoughts on my day? I love it.

Peace to you all.

2 Responses to “My Zen Garden: Peace and Tranquility?”

  1. micky2 Says:

    Looks like your buddah head neighbors had an earthquake.
    he he, whats up dude ?
    You sound good.

    Just came by to say hi.

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